Sunday, January 6, 2013

Adyar, 6 January 2013

Puja at the new Vocational Training Centre of the Theosophical Society, Damodar Gardens, Adyar

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Adyar, Sunday 6 January 2013,

At the beginning of the year, we saw the President and asked for the permission to stay at the compound. The Secretary promised to try and get the signature the same day. The banks were not distributing banknotes with their ATM’s. A local took us in his car to different places and even to a shop with biologically cultivated vegetables, nuts, beans etc. There we bought delicious cashew nuts.
The boss agreed to make a work plan and we have started on it. He signed the other three letters, which are needed for the employment visa. The clause of free boarding was taken out.
There were only Russian and German speaking people at the dinner table. A photographer showed his pictures of two different schools for the underprivileged.
We were very busy with the work for the section and our stay here in Adyar plus the preparation of different presentations. Also much time is given to the social life here at the dormitories. First arrivals for the School of the Wisdom of January/February are expected on Monday 7 January. There are said to be fifty inscriptions.
This week the news came, that the English language teacher from the USA has obtained an employment visa for one year. This gives hope to also get our same visa in due course. For the time being our student visa has not been registered, as the TS is not a recognized educational institution.
We spoke with the Librarian/Editor about publishing in the form of a syllabus the lectures, which he held at the School of the Wisdom. He gave his new library e-mail address, to which we should send the pictures, the paper and the article, which we made at the School of the Wisdom, last November/December.
Saturday evening, we went to a TS Lodge meeting in Chennai town to listen to a lecture on “What is Mysticism?” The traveling time took twice as long as the lecture itself. The experience was a revealing one. Our taxi driver came with another chauffeur, because he had injured his legs two days before on the Tiruvalamalai mountain, where he had fallen 20 feet and luckily survived with only minor injuries.
Today, there was a Puja for the inauguration of the New Vocational Training Centre of the Theosophical Society in Damodar Gardens.

That’s all for this week,

Mr. Brooder

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