Monument near Head Quarters Building at the Compound of the Theosophical Society in Adyar, Chennai, India
Adyar, 24 November 2012
The School of The Wisdom on The Secret Doctrine by
H. P. Blavatsky ended today with a farewell lunch in a restaurant at the other
side of the Adyar River.
The next School will start on Monday 26 November and
will be for two weeks on the subject of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali with
commentaries by I. K. Taimni.
On Wednesday 24th November, the festival of the 544th birthday
celebration of the Sikh Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Radha Burnier, International President of the Theosophical Society received the
Developers India’s “Vibrant Indian Award” for her life’s work. A T.S. member and film maker, was one of the speakers. He said that
he had written a film script for a movie on Indira Ghandi, during a two months
stay at Leadbeater’s Chambers. This may encourage those who hesitate to come to the T.S. in Adyar, because they might think, that study and writing of papers would not be possible.
On Sunday we
shall have a lunch organised by the Madras Theosophical Federation. That whole
day there will be activities organized by the Theosophical Order of Service,
the Federation and the Adyar Lodge. A panel is organized on "The continuing
relevance of the perennial philosophy."
Very sweaty
weather with rainclouds in the sky makes one wonder how to survive the heat in
summer. We have to take life one day at a time and expect the best of it. To be
at this beautiful place is really a privilege and invites to do the best one
can in working for theosophy. Plato will have to be studied, for the
Neo-Platonists are considered to be theosophists. Plotinus also, who explained
the teaching of Plato in his Enneades.
Next week we shall go and visit the library and tell all about it.
That's all for now from,Mr. Brooder