Sunday, May 26, 2013

Adyar, 26 May 2013

Campus road at TS Adyar

Adyar, Sunday, 26 May 2013

This week, we followed the normal daily program. For Monday this does not include afternoon study in the Library and for the weekend there is no evening study group, while the Sunday is not a work day. Wesak Festival was at the full moon, this week, so Friday was a holiday.

We did some further reading in the French book on the so called Christian Theosophist "Von Baader" (1765-1841). Very interesting, as this Roman Catholic theologian, openly speaks about “Self-manifestation of the I in relation to the you as Love which maintains us Its luxurious expression, being nothing else than the image or figure projected by the movement of love …. impressing Itself in itself” and “The original manifestation is also and just as well mediation of Self”. It sounds almost as if we were reading a text written by H. P. Blavatsky. We shall have to go into this more deeply, but the discovery was too much for us not to mention it in the blog.

The social gathering in the evenings around the study of “The Voice of the Silence” was this week with five to nine participants. The participants are preparing an excursion together to the South-East-Asian-Convention of the TS in Bali, in the beginning of November this year.

So everything is going pretty well. The work, the study, the housing situation are strange and hectic, but despite high summer temperatures the whole situation remains tolerable. The registration of the Employment Visa was done in the time of one Wednesday morning only.

We begin to wake up at about five am, so there is time for meditation and studies before we make our the walk to the beach and have breakfast.

The weather is very hot, but our body can cope rather well with it. One very hot day at half past five pm we were the first at the gate to the beach, which still had to be opened by the watchman. By half past six, it was less warm and there were more walkers going in the direction of the beach.

Friday morning we went to the librarian to order some books, to which references were made In the 25th Anniversary Bulletin of the Adyar Library of 2010-2011on the subjects of "consciousness" and "Neo-platonism".

The keyboard of our PC has malfunctioned for two days and has to be repaired. The computer specialist working for the TS found the cause and he will solve the problem.

Some ten years ago, the a number of international workers staying here was about 18. Now there are between 2 and 6. Much has to do with the visa policy of the Indian government.

The weather is hot and humid and the windows of our room have to be shut in the morning before the sun rises. This week the waves in the ocean were tumultuous with white tops all over as far out in the sea as one could see. After our swim on Friday, we have decided not to go for a swim until the sea calms down. For the moment, were are very happy with the prospect that the next swimming exercise would be in less troubled water.

On Sunday, we played a game of chess in the morning and did some study. Lunch was at the home of a family, to which we had been invited earlier this week. Being in a normal family house made the experience at the TS become of more value, because at the TS campus everything is organized in such a way, that one can work and study very effectively. Living a celebratory life and thus being able to study and meditate is to be considered a great privilege. Still it was very nice to be with the family for a change.

In the afternoon there was again time for reading and we even started to work on a publication. We finally put the reference for a footnote on a certain subject in the PC and even began to make out the lists of books consulted and bibliographies.

It is good to be working and studying here at the TS in Adyar. If it were not for the considerable number of good and hard working people of the TS here and elsewhere in the world, this would not be possible.

And that was all for this week from,

Mr Brooder